Kuntatt magħna


In-Norveġja ssir il-pajjiż 21st biex tissieħeb fil-kooperazzjoni #eHealth għall-kura tas-saħħa personalizzata




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

On Friday (14 June), Norway signed the European Declaration on linking genomic databases across borders. The co-operation aims to improve understanding and prevention of disease, allowing for more personalised treatments, in particular for rare diseases, cancer and prevention of diseases.

The Declaration is an agreement of cooperation between different countries aimed to provide secure and authorized cross-border access to national and regional banks of genetic and other health data, in accordance with the regoli tal-UE tal-protezzjoni tad-data.  Norway is the 21stfirmatarju tad - Dikjarazzjoni, li oriġinarjament ġie mniedi fuq 10 April 2018 matul il - PI Jum diġitali.

The member states that have signed it are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Their representatives met recently to discuss the implementation of the declaration, the organisational structure needed for closer cooperation, including infrastructure or technical requirements and the necessary conditions to guarantee safe data circulation in line with high ethical and legal standards. The goal is to keep the EU at the global forefront of personalised medicine, at the same time as fostering scientific output and industrial competitiveness.

Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar l-inizjattiva Ewropea dwar is-saħħa diġitali ara hawn.

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