Kuntatt magħna


Samit G7 Brussell għadha ma taħditiet dwar l-ekonomija dinjija, il-kummerċ, l-enerġija u l-iżvilupp




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

g8On the second day of the Brussels G7 Summit leaders are continuing their discussions on the global economy, trade, energy, climate change and development. Last night, the G7 leaders issued a joint communiqué following their working dinner, which reflects the G7 position on major foreign policy issues, including Ukraine. Read the full text of the G7 leaders' communiqué online.

Later today (5 June) at around 14h15 (exact time to be confirmed), Presidents Barroso and Van Rompuy will hold a joint closing press conference in the press room of the Justus Lipsius building (watch it live on EBS).

For all relevant information on the role and actions of the EU at the G7, including President Barroso's remarks at yesterday's pre-summit press briefing, please visit the dedicated G7/G8 section of President Barroso's website.

Aqsam dan l-artikolu:

EU Reporter jippubblika artikli minn varjetà ta' sorsi esterni li jesprimu firxa wiesgħa ta' opinjonijiet. Il-pożizzjonijiet meħuda f'dawn l-artikoli mhumiex neċessarjament dawk ta' EU Reporter.
