Kuntatt magħna


Franza tissikka l-miżuri tal-influwenza tat-tjur fil-Lbiċ wara tifqigħat ġodda




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

France has strengthened sanitary measures in order to combat a wave in bird flu cases in southwest France, where the outbreaks have recently increased. The French Agriculture Ministry announced this on Friday (12 May).

France was among the worst-affected countries by the spread of bird flu, also known as avian influenza, around the globe in the last year.

This disease has caused the death of hundreds of millions birds and disrupted supply of poultry meat, eggs, and other products. Some countries such as France have therefore planned kampanji ta’ tilqim to protect farm flocks.

The agriculture ministry released a statement saying that 21 outbreaks of highly-pathogenic bird flu, mostly in ducks, have been detected since May 4.

The ministry reported that until the last week, France hadn't recorded any outbreaks since 14 March, leading to the authorities lowering their alert level nationwide from high to medium.

It said that in the southwest, flocks near affected farms would be culed to reduce the risk of propagation. Additionally, a sanitary buffer zone of up to twenty kilometers (12.43miles) has been established around the outbreak sites.

Southwest has a large sector of duck breeding for the production of foie gras. The area was severely affected by previous bird flu outbreaks, but the Ministry said that it was less so this winter because steps were taken to reduce the concentrations of ducks.

The ministry stated that the latest cases highlighted the importance of vaccinating flocks. Last month France launched a tender for 80 million doses in order to begin a vaccination programme this autumn.


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