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Ir-Russja qed tiffaċċja żieda qawwija ta 'COVID-19




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

In recent days, an unprecedented increase in new cases of coronavirus has been recorded in a number of regions of Russia, especially in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Only several weeks ago the authorities assured the public that there would be no third wave of COVID, but now enhanced measures are being taken to curb the pandemic, jikteb il-korrispondent ta 'Moska Alexi Ivanov. 

New restrictions are being introduced that relate to cafes and restaurants, cinemas, mass events. Business is recommended to transfer up to 30% of employees to remote mode. Again, there are ideas about mandatory vaccination of people engaged in the social sphere and services.

What is really happening in Russia?

Director of Rospotrebnadzor (principal Russian watchdog about COVID) Anna Popova states a few days ago that the reason for the increase in the incidence of Covid  was “the total nihilism of Russians in relation to the prevention of infection”. Russian president press secretary Dmitry Peskov pointed out that the incidence of coronavirus infection in Russia has also increased due to the low level of vaccination and the insidiousness of the COVID itself.

"The total nihilism, the low level of vaccination, and, in addition, the insidiousness of the infection itself should also not be forgotten," the Kremlin said. The head of Rospotrebnadzor said yesterday that the majority of population in Russia completely ignores sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Popova called the situation with the coronavirus in the country “very tense”.

During the recent few day ms more than 17.000 new cases of coronavirus were detected in 85 regions in Russia.Moscow has an anti-record again: 9,120 infected people were recorded in the city (9,056 the day before) this week.

Sadly, during the past two days in Russia an increase in mortality associated with COVID-19 has been recorded. This, as reported by Interfax news agency, was stated by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who heads the federal operational headquarters for countering coronavirus.

According to Golikova, over the past two days, “we have recorded a 14% increase in mortality. If we have been recording a decrease in mortality rates for the entire period since December last year until the last few days, unfortunately, this is an increase in fatal outcomes in the last two days”.

Golikova believes, that the increase in deaths mainly depend on people who are ill do not visit doctors in a timely manner. According to her, Russians "according to the usual situation for us, use conventional antiviral drugs, and sometimes even worse — antibiotics... without distinguishing that it is a common cold or COVID-19."

She added that the increase in the incidence of COVID-19 over the last five days of this week compared to the five days of last week averaged 34.4% in Russia and 54.4% in Moscow.

Sergey Sobianin, the mayor of Moscow, who was absolutely assured that the pandemic in the main city of Russia is almost unrooted, now is obliged to take unprecedented measures to facilitate new hospital spaces for deceased and recruit doctors to treat patients.
People in Moscow and oblast (the Moscow region) are advised to stay away from playgrounds, public places. Masks are highly needed. 

But, anyway, life’s going on…

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