Kuntatt magħna


PM May toffri voti indikattivi fuq l-għażliet #Brexit - Telegraph reporter




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

British Prime Minister Theresa May is considering offering lawmakers so called indicative votes to find a way to break the Brexit deadlock, Il-Daily Telegraph’s deputy political editor has said, jikteb Guy Faulconbridge.

“Theresa May is expected to unveil plans to hold indicative votes,” Steven Swinford said.

He said senior ministers would be given on Monday (25 March) morning papers on the different options before the United Kingdom: PM May’s deal, no-deal Brexit, another referendum, revoking the Article 50 divorce papers, a free trade agreement with a customs union, and staying in the EU’s Single Market.

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