Kuntatt magħna


Newsletter għall-plenarja 6-9 ta 'Lulju 2015 (Strasburgu)




Aħna nużaw is-sinjal tiegħek biex nipprovdu kontenut b'modi li tajt il-kunsens tagħhom u biex intejbu l-fehim tagħna dwarek. Tista 'tħassar l-abbonament fi kwalunkwe ħin.

Topics on the Agenda  
Pre-session press briefing with the EP political groups’ spokespersons at 11h on Il-Ġimgħa, 3 ta’ Lulju. (“Anna Politkovskaya” EP Press conference room, Brussels)

MEPs to debate June European Council outcomes on migration, security, and Greece

Luxembourg takes over EU presidency from Latvia

TTIP talks: MEPs to table recommendations

Copyright: MEPs to air their views ahead of reform proposals

MEPs to call for systemic change to deliver more resource-efficient economy

Parliament set to approve an extra €69.6 million to cope with migrants


More shareholder say on directors’ pay and new corporate tax disclosure rules

Parliament to mark 20th anniversary of Srebrenica massacre

Draft EU budget for 2016: Parliament to vote on its negotiating mandate

Capital Markets Union: MEPs to call for EU-wide approach and focus on SMEs

Parliament to vote on CO2 market reform deal

Employment: targeted actions and greening jobs

Fighting tax evasion in developing countries

Milk, fruit and vegetables: farm income, market shocks and export outlets

€ XNUMx miljun għal tiswijiet ta 'ħsara mill-għargħar fir-Rumanija, il-Bulgarija u l-Italja

Vote on €1.36 million in job search aid for redundant Finnish workers

MEPs to debate security and stability in the Middle East and North Africa


Foreign policy chief Mogherini to address Parliament on EU-Cuba relations


“Back to basics” in European Neighbourhood Policy


Human rights and technology: Whistle blowers and activists should be protected

Door-to-door trips: MEPs to call for single ticket for all transport modes used


Riżoluzzjonijiet demokrazija drittijiet tal-bniedem u (Cambodia, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Bahrain and Sudan


Suġġetti oħra fuq l-aġenda

Aqsam dan l-artikolu:

EU Reporter jippubblika artikli minn varjetà ta' sorsi esterni li jesprimu firxa wiesgħa ta' opinjonijiet. Il-pożizzjonijiet meħuda f'dawn l-artikoli mhumiex neċessarjament dawk ta' EU Reporter.
